Well the temperature in our part of the world was tickling 60* and with the Robins starting to show up, that means one thing. Spring cleaning for your yard. Not the kind that includes moving furniture and hanging rugs on the clothes line, but the kind that will make your lawn the envy of your block. Don't worry, it will only hurt for a minute, unless you don't wear gloves that is.
There is not a lot you can do until all the snow is gone in your yard and it dries out a little. If you leave sloppy foot prints when you walk on it, you need to wait just a little bit longer. So stay off your lawn until it stops looking so moist. Once it dries up, its time to get to work.
Now come the easiest thing you will do to your yard. Pick up any trash, debris, that the melting snow has uncovered. The tree branches, kids toys, and whatever else has blown in has to go, grass doesn't grow under that stuff.
Now comes the part where the gloves will come in handy. Raking. I know it sucks and you might be saying, I just did that before winter. Well hopefully you did rake in the fall, but its got to be done in spring too. It picks up any leaves you missed, our the ones your neighbor missed, you know the one that just lets the leaves from his trees blow into your yard, yea, that guy. Those wet leaves have to go so they don't become a breeding ground for mold and bacterias that will grow and spread out over your lawn like a bad suit.
To roll your lawn is up to you, but know that it does not need to be done every year. If you do roll your lawn, don't use too heavy of a roll, or you run the risk of compacting the soil too much, and that does not help the roots.
Other than feeding and reseeding your lawn, your pretty much done until its time to start cutting you beautiful lawn. If you can get an early start on your lawn, it will start growing earlier and that is key to a great looking lawn.
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